Iklan Populer

Subject Verb Agreement

Kesesuaian Subject dengan verb
Yang dimaksud kesesuaian subject dengan verb seperti gambar diatas adalah jika subjectnya tunggal maka verbnya juga tunggal dan jika subjectnya jamak maka verb yang digunakan harus jamak.
ex. A car runs to the tree (singular+singular)
     The baby is crying (singular+singular)
     The babies are crying (plural+plural)
     He has eaten rice (singular+singular)
     He and she have eaten rice (plural+plural)

Subject dapat berupa noun, noun phrase, pronoun, noun clause, gerund, dan to infinitive
1. Noun & Noun Phrase

    ex. Alfi is singing a song (singular+singular)
          The Students are doing the task (plural+plural)
2. Pronoun
I tanpa s/es do am have was did had will/would
You tanpa s/es do are have were did had will/would
We tanpa s/es do are have were did had will/would
They tanpa s/es do are have were did had will/would
She +s/es does is has was did had will/would
He +s/es does is has was did had will/would
It +s/es does is has was did had will/would
John +s/es does is has was did had will/would

3. Noun Clause, Gerund, dan To Infinitive
    ex. What you said make me sad (Noun Clause/singular+Vsingular)
          Talking to you is interesting (Gerund/singular+Vsingular)
          To get good score on Toefl needs a struggle (To infinitive/singular+Vsingular)


Iklan Populer 2

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