Iklan Populer

Time Duration

Time Duration (time expression) dibagi menjadi dua:
1. Time Duration Proses (TDP)
2. Time Duration Result (TDR)
Note: hanya berfungsi untuk Tenses Perfect dan Perfect Continuous

Time Duration Proses

- For - Since
- All day - All my life=sepanjang hidup
- All night=sepanjang malam - All week
- All the time - Always
- Lately=belakangan ini - Recently=baru saja
- Never - Often
- This Morning - This Afternoon
- This Evening - This week
- This Month - This year
- This Century - So far=sejauh ini
- In the last (quantity of time)
   (ex. I have been a teacher in the last 10  years)

Time Duration Result
- Just=baru saja
- Already=sudah
- Just now=baru saja
- Yet=belum (khusus kalimat -)
ex. I have just done homework
      I have done homework just now
      I have already done homework
      I have done homework already
      I have not yet done homework (informal)
      I have not done homework yet (formal)

Time duration jika ditinjau dari kelas kata merupakan adverb. Keberadaannya sangat penting dalam tenses perfect. Dan time duration dapat menyatukan makna perfect dengan perfect continuous. Dengan kata lain perfect atau perfect continuous akan bermakna proses jika disertai Time Duration Proses. Sebaliknya, perfect atau perfect continuous bermakna result jika disertai Time Duration Result.
ex. I have been eating for 5 minutes (proses)
      I have eaten for 5 minutes (proses)
      I have just eaten (result)
      I have just been eating (result)

Jika tidak ada time duration, makna proses dan result ditentukan apakah sentencenya verbal atau nominal. Jika Verbal maka termasuk Time Duration Result dan jika Nominal maka termasuk Time Duration Precess. 
ex. I have eaten (verbal (result))
      I have been eating (verbal (result))
      I have been a teacher (nominal (process))
Time Duration   Time Signal
- Perfect (time duration process)
   - Simple Past (yesterday)
- Perfect Continuous (time duration result)
   - Simple Present (now)

   - Simple Future (tomorrow)

 Simple Past                      VS                      Present Perfect
Present Perfect                      + TDP = Process = Present Continuous SEDANG
Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect                      + TDR = Result = Simple Past              SUDAH
Present Perfect Continuous

ex. I have tought English for 5 years
      I have been teaching english for 5 years
      I am teaching english now
      I have just visit you

Teori Tusuk Sate
Teori tusuk sate adalah teori yang memberi gambaran akan fungsi time duration didalam membentuk makna perfect. Sehingga dengan teori tusuk sate kita bisa membedakan antara Past Perfect, Present Perfect, dan Future Perfect.
Ada prinsip yang harus dipegang dalam hal ini, yaitu:
Past Perfect adalah kejadian mundur Simple Past
Present Perfect adalah kejadian yang lebih mundur dari Simple Present
Future Perfect adalah kejadian yang lebih mundur dari Simple Future

D   : I live in Pare / I am living in Pare (now)
C.P: I have worked for 15 years/I have been working for 15 years (now) (process)
C.R: I have just bought a new house (now) (result)
        I have just been buying a new house (uncommon) (now) (result)
B    : Last week I planted a flower
A.R: I had just bought the flower in the market
A.P: I had seen the flower for two months (process)
F    : I will buy a new dictionary
E.R: I will have saved a lot of money to get the dictionary (result, karena kalimat verbal)
E.P: I will have checked the content of it for long time through my computerized cataloge (process)
ex. - Sekarang saya mau makan. Sebelum saya makan, saya cuci tangan.
        Saya makan bermakna simple present, cuci tangan bermakna perfect. Jadi, urutan kejadiannya 
        cuci tangan dahulu kemudian makan.
      - Tadi pagi saya berangkat ke sekolah jam 05.30. Saya berangkat setelah saya selesai sarapan.
         I went to school at 05.30 this morning. I went after I had finished my breakfast.
         Saya berangkat bermakna simple past, selesai sarapan bermakna past perfect. Jadi, urutan 
         kejadiannya selesai sarapan dahulu kemudian berangkat ke sekolah.

Exercise 1
Tentukan proses atau result!

  1. We have been living in Pare (result, karena verbal)
  2. They had visited us for two hours (process, karena for two hours)
  3. He was a bad boy (result, karena simple past)
  4. The students are doing homework (process, karena present continuous)
  5. Najmi has been a diligent student (process, karena nominal)
  6. The man will have drunk a cup of coffee all night (process, karena all night)
  7. Alfi has been learning english (result, karena verbal)
  8. The children are crying (process, karena present continuous)
  9. I ever went to Australia (result, karena verbal)
10. She had been sleeping (result, karena verbal)
11. They will have gone to Bali (result, karena verbal)

Exercise 2
Nama saya Joko. Hobby saya jalan-jalan. Minggu  depan saya akan jalan-jalan ke Bromo. Dan sekarang, saya sedang berada di Pare. Saya sudah berada di Pare selama 3 hari. Satu bulan yang lalu, saya berkunjung ke rumah teman dekat saya yang ada di Jogja. Sebelum saya pergi ke Jogja, saya sudah beli oleh-oleh untuk teman dekat saya.
My name is Joko. My hobby is travelling. A next week, I will  travel to Bromo. Now, I am in Pare. I have been in Pare for 3 days. A month ago/last month, I visited my close friend's house in Jogja. Before I went to jogja, I had bought souvenirs to my close friend.

Saya mendaftar di Elfast sebulan yang lalu setelah saya mendapatkan informasi tentang Elfast dari teman dekat saya. Saya sudah belajar di Elfast selama 3 minggu. Sekarang saya sedang belajar fungsi tenses. Saya mempunyai banyak teman dikelas. Salah satunya bernama Najmi. Dia merupakan siswa yang paling aneh dikelas. Dia berasal dari Garut. Saya berencana pulang ke rumah bulan depan. Dan sebelumnya saya sudah menyelesaikan ujian BP1 dan BP2.

I registed in Elfast a month ago after I had gotten information about Elfast from my close friend. I have studied in Elfast for 3 weeks. Now I am studying tenses function. I have many classmate. One of them is Najmi. He is most strange student in class. He is from Garut. I will go back to home next month. Before that, I have finished BP1 and BP2 exam.


Iklan Populer 2

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